Saturday, June 4, 2011

Beginning Your Adventure

This isn't my first blog, but it's about something I really like. Minecraft. If you're here, I know that you at least have it on your computer and are relatively confused. So am I. But I am probably less confused than you. So I will explain it to you.

Beginning Minecraft Tips

  • To open your inventory, press "E"
  • Before you do anything else, get 10 wood
  • Always make an axe, a pickaxe, a crafting table, and a furnace
  • To make charcoal, you need wood planks, and actual wood
  • Never start a world trying to make a house. Always make a shelter instead
  • When it's night, make other tools like a sword, a shovel, and more torches
I think that's it. However I will be making some videos and putting them on youtube. My channel name is http//

Have fun bricking